About Us
MercyAIDS is a Christian-based organisation started in 2004, prior to ARV treatment, to address the needs of children and families impacted by HIV/AIDS. Our focus broadened to look at all vulnerable children. We registered as NPO in 2014 and PBO with Section 18a in 2016.
Currently we do most of our work in Fisantekraal, where we began in 2004. However, we have worked in a number of different communities in the past, especially Mfuleni and Du Noon.
​We specialise in practical compassion, motivated by love​
Managing the tension
Within community development work there is always a tension between what are termed ‘charity’ and ‘development’.
Everything we do carries the desire to see people lifted out of poverty - financial, social, and emotional, and thriving. We do more than ‘hand out’ food or other assistance, but we do “feed the hungry” and “clothe the naked” simply because they are hungry or naked.
Our food relief is primarily done through community-led kitchens or feeding schemes - where neighbours are helping neighbours. The kitchens we support are meeting some basic physical needs while creating a sense of belonging and inherent value that opens a door to change.
It takes a community
​We collaborate with others to facilitate broad-based support for children and families.
Our aim is to promote and support individual and family thriving – physical, emotional, relational.
Our projects and programs are in one of the three categories shown below which fall into two broad and overlapping categories of Fostering Care and Food Security.
Fostering Care
Food Security
Support & Training
Food Growing
Food Relief